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Ride leson to Argelès Valmy

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In terms of control, the subjects do not miss! Whether you want to improve a weak point or assimilate new technical gesture, some sessions will suffice for you to feel significant progress!

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Ride stage to Argelès Valmy

In terms of control, the subjects do not miss! Whether you want to improve a weak point or assimilate new technical gesture, some sessions will suffice for you to feel significant progress!

Jumps / The squat / The wheeling / Lift the rear wheel / The bunny-up / Maneuverability / The pedaled braked / The turn flat / The banked curve / The sliding / turning Choosing the path / Mount a hill / Crossing a barrier / Down an on / Roll a bump in / alléger- build / Crossing a tree trunk.

     Duration: 3 hours to make a qualitative work.

os Practice: Bike in perfect condition, beverage and necessary repair.

     Requires level: From beginner to expert

     Number of places: 12 participants maximum

     Period / Dates: All year

     Price: 40 € per session of three hours

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Ride stage to Argelès Valmy

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